Lavender Gin and Tonic Punch Refreshing and perfect for a crowd, our Lavender Gin and Tonic Punch recipe is so easy-to-make. This delicious drink combines the classic taste of G&T with a touch of floral flavor,...
Korean Gin and Tonic Introducing our Korean Gin and Tonic - a refreshing twist on a classic drink that's perfect for celebrating Gin and Tonic week 2023! This unique cocktail combines the smooth and...
Greek Gin & Tonic We are celebrating Gin & Tonic week 2023 by creating a collection of global twists on the this classic cocktail. It’s time to take a trip to Greece for this...
Spanish Gin & Tonic Travel the world through G&T's as we celebrate Gin & Tonic week 2023. Our first stop is España, where we present our unique Spanish G&T twist, blending juniper-forward gin, zesty...
A Negroni Slush We love our Negronis -- and what better way to enjoy them on a hot day, then to turn them into a slushie!
Kinship & Tonic Add in a little something special to your next G&T! Our Kinship & Tonic not only brings a fun punch of color but the tasting notes pair perfectly with one of our favorite...
Farewell to Summer Send summer off in style! Cheers a new approaching season by enjoying one last taste of summer flavors in our Farewell to Summer cocktail.
Durham Mule A classic cocktail with a Durham twist! Named after our Distillery's home and favorite city, the Durham Mule is perfect for anyone and everyone. Fresh and invigorating combination of cucumber...
Perfect Summer Punch Cool off with our Perfect Summer Watermelon Punch cocktail. Truthfully, nothing is better than a glass (or two) of this refreshing cocktail on a hot day.
Paloma Yeah, we know that a Paloma is usually Tequila but have you tried it with Conniption Navy? No? You should!
Blanc Martinez A lighter version of the classic cocktail. This recipe is balanced and sophisticated, and although it tastes delicious year round, it is absolute perfection in the spring and summer.
Gin Basil Smash A modern spin on the classic Whiskey Smash. Light, refreshing and herbaceous, this pairing of peppery basil with botanical gin is a match made in summer heaven.
The Honolulu A vacation in a glass. This cocktail has subtle tiki vibes and boasts fresh, tropical flavors without being too tart or sweet. Transport yourself to a tropical getaway with the...
Navy Gin & Tonic A smooth and powerful Gin and Tonic. Our Navy Strength Gin is consistently ranked as one of the world's best gins and this is the perfect cocktail to show it...
Watermelon Gin-Mojito Boozy Popsicle Inspired by our always popular Perfect Summer Punch cocktail, we decided to transform it into a delicious and EASY boozy popsicle.
Gin and Tonic Granita Frozen Gin & Tonic - Fancy Dessert or Just Because! Granitas are an easy way to turn your G&T into a delicious dessert. By increasing the ratio of tonic to...