Lavender Gin and Tonic Punch Refreshing and perfect for a crowd, our Lavender Gin and Tonic Punch recipe is so easy-to-make. This delicious drink combines the classic taste of G&T with a touch of floral flavor,...
Korean Gin and Tonic Introducing our Korean Gin and Tonic - a refreshing twist on a classic drink that's perfect for celebrating Gin and Tonic week 2023! This unique cocktail combines the smooth and...
In the Pink French 75 A balanced and sophisticated cocktail that turns purple to pink with the lemon juice. A color changing twist on the classic French 75.
Kinship Clover Club An indigo hued twist on the classic Clover Club cocktail. The Clover Club is said to have originated in a Philadelphia hotel in the late 1800s.
Kinship & Tonic Add in a little something special to your next G&T! Our Kinship & Tonic not only brings a fun punch of color but the tasting notes pair perfectly with one of our favorite...
Purple Martinez The Purple Martinez is a balanced and sophisticated cocktail. A thirst quenching cross between a Manhattan and a Martini.
Moira Rose This beautiful and dare we say, dramatic cocktail is honorably named after our favorite Schitt's Creek matriarch.
The Bohemian This balanced and beautiful cocktail gets its stunning color from our Conniption Kinship Gin. The indigo hued gin turns pink when the grapefruit juice is added. A must try and...
Bee's Knees The Bee’s Knees is a classic Prohibition-era cocktail. It's refreshing, delicious and with only 3 ingredients needed, it's incredibly easy to make. Not to mention we've upped the wow factor by using...
Pegu Club The Pegu Club’s origins date back to the early 20th Century. It's had quite a resurgence during the last decade and we couldn't resist making it with our stunning Conniption...